Engage Your Prospects with Hyper-personalized Emails

Boost your email open rates. Alisha-AI SDR crafts hyper-personalized mails based on relevant and real-time insights.

Alisha AI SDR Dashboard
Lead Profiling
Linkedin-Informed Emails
Boost response rate
Email Hyper-personalization at Scale
Email Open Rates by 28%
Build Meaningful Business Relations

Human SDRs spend 15 minutes for prospect research, leading to 12+ hours of work for 50 personalized outreach emails, causing burnout.

Basic personalization (name, company, industry) improves results slightly but lacks the depth needed to drive real engagement

Let Alisha-AI SDR Accelerate Prospect Engagement


  • Research and personalize outreach to hundreds of prospects simultaneously
  • Lead Profiling from real-time data available in LinkedIn and 180+ web sources
  • Craft hyper-personalized emails with tailored subject lines and content
  • Leverage your company training data to personalize every email reply
  • Customize messages based on the recipient's role, company, and behavior


  1. Increase productivity and reach more prospects without time-consuming manual effort
  2. Boosts email open rates
  3. Boost engagement with personalized emails that make each prospect feel valued and understood
  4. Build stronger connections with prospects and Boost response rates with tailored messaging
  5. Improve lead conversion by 50% with messages tailored to individual prospects’ needs and behaviors
Alisha AI SDR Dashboard

Try Hyper-personalization Today