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Schedule Meetings with Prospects Effortlessly

Say goodbye to endless email exchanges. Alisha-AI SDR automates meeting scheduling, making it simple for prospects to book time with you
Coordinating schedules with prospects can be a frustrating, time-consuming process that slows down sales momentum, leading prospects to lose interest and drop off While automated scheduling tools exist, many lack the flexibility and ease to schedule meetings across time zones
Simplify Meeting Scheduling with Alisha-AI SDR
Automatically sync with Google Calendar to find and suggest available slots from your schedule
Manages time zone differences effortlessly, ensuring scheduling is smooth regardless of time zones
One-click scheduling links embedded in your outreach
Send reminders and follow-ups to ensure a successful meeting turn-out
Save time by eliminating manual scheduling and reduce the back-and-forth communication
Ensure successful scheduling with minimal effort
Keep prospects engaged with seamless booking
Reduce no-shows with automated reminders
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